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How to clean resin from a brush

Removing unwanted resin from a fibreglass tool isn’t the most glamorous task you’ll ever undertake in life. However, if you can clean a brush or other resin-covered tools comprehensively you’ll be able to use them again at some point and that will save a bit of money. Therefore, read on to discover how to comprehensively clean resin from brushes and prepare them for use in the future.

Things you’ll need

  1. A bucket: To mix the cleaning solvent in and perform the cleansing process.
  2. Denatured alcohol or Acetone: Both options are highly effective at cleaning but care needs to be taken due to the risk or inhalation, plus they’re both highly flammable so think about the fire risk too.
  3. Rubber gloves: To protect your hands during the clean-up operation.

How to clean

Think about protection: Once you have got the brush cleaning materials together it’s time to put on the rubber gloves. Ideally, you don’t want to expose your skin to the cleaning solvents for too long so keep them protected at all times. Pop the gloves on before you do anything else and you’ll be safe and sound.

Fill the bucket with solvent: Pour the cleaning solution into the bucket and place the brush or the other cleaning tools inside.

Tackle the bristles: If you are cleaning a brush work through the bristles with your gloved hands and remove the resin in large clumps until all traces have disappeared. This shouldn’t take long, just make sure you clean the brush before the resin dries hard and it’ll be less work.

Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the brush in clean water and let it dry naturally, the bristles should be resin free and supple enough to use on other projects. Follow this guide and cleaning resin from tools is a simple process that shouldn’t take long to complete.