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Loyalty Points

MB Fibreglass offers a free loyalty program for all our online customers, it is our way of saying thank you to all our loyal customers who keep returning. We are grateful to all our customers for their continued business and would encourage all of them to use our rewards scheme to receive extra discount.

How Do I Earn Points
With every purchase placed and paid for through our website the loyalty points will automatically be allocated to your account. You will earn 1 point for every £1 spent on our website. Unfortunately loyalty points are not awarded to telephone orders, orders must be placed through our website to avail of this promotion.

What Are Points Worth
100 points are worth £1 and can be used against any purchase placed on our website.

How Do I Redeem My Loyalty Points
You can redeem your loyalty points at the checkout stage of your purchase, the webpage will display your current loyalty point balance and their monetary value that can be deducted off your order. Please see image below for reference.

Are Loyalty Points Awarded on Carriage?
The loyalty points only apply to purchase of items, the carriage value will not contribute to the loyalty point amount.

Are There Minimum Spend Requirements?
Loyalty points are awarded on all purchases over £1

Can Loyalty Points be Transferred to Another Account?
Unfortunately the loyalty points are locked to the purchasing account and cannot be transferred.

Do I Require An Account To Receive Loyalty Points?
An account is automatically created when placing an order on our website (providing create account is selected) the loyalty points will be automatically allocated to this account, once the order has been completed.

I Did Not Receive my Loyalty Points?
Loyalty points are only allocated to account customers only, if you checkout using a guest account, loyalty points cannot be applied to any guest checkouts or baskets. (anyone can create an account, just select create account during the ordering process)

Do the Loyalty Points Expire?
The loyalty points will expire 12 months from they where allocated to your account.

MB Fibreglass reserves the right to amend or withdraw the loyalty points scheme at any time.